The name Gutturnio derives from a silver mug called Gutturnium, of about two liters of capacity, found in Velleia Romana in 1878, used by the ancient Romans to drink wine.
At the end of the dinner the cup was filled with the finest wine, first sipped by the landlord, then passed from hand to hand among the various guests. In 1941 the Ministry of Agriculture listed the "typical and valuable" wines and among these inserted the Gutturnio, a name proposed in 1938 by the oenologist Mario Prati and appeared for the first time in 1939 on a label of the company Manara di Vicomarino (Ziano). The production disciplinary dates back to 1967 (seventh Italian wine to obtain the DOC) .The Gutturnio is obtained from the Barbera vines (55-70%) and Croatina (30-45%).