In the province of Piacenza there are different climatic, physical and cultural realities: on one side the foggy Bassa Padana along the great river Po, on the other the hill with its fresh valleys dotted with castles and villas, memory of the ancient fiefs of past. The Apennine belt of the Piacenza area has maintained the characteristics of its landscapes for centuries. The variety of the landscape of the province of Piacenza has repercussions on its agricultural production and viticulture has rightly settled and concentrated in the hills. The landscape is a continuous succession of vineyards, woods, typical villages in which suddenly a fortress appears, a castle that testifies to the ability to watch over the territory that distinguishes the most rooted piacentinità.La oldest cultivation in the Piacenza area is undoubtedly that of the vine, present on our hills already in Roman times. Wines known and appreciated since then: "vinum merum placentinum laetificat", said the Latins, the sincere Piacenza wine conveys joy, which the secular memory and the assiduous and passionate work have certainly increased. The strong vocation of the territory, thanks to the natural characteristics of every single area, has allowed a qualified production in continuous evolution.
Follow the advice of Lorraine, tourist guide of the Atlante company from Piacenza, which for years has been dealing with guided tours and tourist packages in the province of Piacenza.
The castles
The Piacenza area is one of the most crowded areas of Europe: Torri, Castelli, Manieri arise everywhere! In Val Tidone: Rocca d'Olgisio, Agazzano, Sarmato and Rivalta are accessible with guided tours in summer; the Castelnovo VT castle opens to groups by appointment or on special occasions such as the Val Tidone Wine Fest in September.
The Villages
The Villages. Nibbiano and Caminata, in the upper Val Tidone, have preserved the characteristic medieval structure, with narrow streets that look like a small labyrinth and tiny squares-courtyards where, although less known than Castell'Arquato and Bobbio, it is worth taking a walk and enjoying A jump into the past.
The Vineyards
From the month of May until October, that is to say from the leafing of the vine until it starts to redden, we advise you not to miss the amazing view of the vineyard hills in the territory of Ziano Piacentino; you just need to go up from the capital to Vicobarone and from there to Montalbo, where the copper dome of San Cristoforo emerges, to admire the orderly expanses of the rows almost as far as the eye can see.
The churches
Real hidden jewels can be found in the parish churches of San Giovanni Battista in Castel San Giovanni and in Santa Maria Assunta in Borgonovo VT. Frescoes, paintings, statues and above all the famous carved and painted wooden polyptychs of the fifteenth century.