We are partners of VALORinVITIS, an Operating Group of the Emilia-Romagna Region which has the objective of enhancing the varieties of grapes typical of the Piacenza area by increasing the resilience of the production system to climate change. With the implementation of the project there are several expected results: Valorisation of the Ervi vine (intraspecific cross between Barbera and Croatina) in response to the production discontinuity and to the scarce basal fertility of Croatina.Proceed with the use of computerized and assisted vineyard management techniques, using a decision support system for defense planning (DSS) which will be applied both to resistant hybrids and to the most important local vines (Barbera and Croatina). Awareness of the local viticultural heritage among young students from Piacenza and expansion of the technical skills of future operators in the sector. two minor local varieties showing good adaptability quality with the changed climatic conditions and with greater stability of the total acidity. Introduction of rootstocks tolerant to drought. Protection of the crop, reduction of pesticides and lower environmental impact. The project is financed with a total contribution of € 263.730 from the EAFRD, in the scope of the regional rural development program 2014-2020 Emilia - Romagna - Type of operation 16.1.01 - Operational groups of the European innovation partnership: "productivity and sustainability of agriculture" - Focus Area 2A - Project VALORinVITIS n.5004320